Digital Turn in Epistemology


Abstracts Mathematical Ability Conference

Moving Perception Forward in Learning Sciences Discourse Dor Abrahamson, University of California, Berkeley Among educational researchers inspired by the embodied turn in the cognitive sciences, there is much ado about doing. Students’ motor behavior (the dynamic temporal–spatial kinesiological process of “doing”), historically eclipsed by its situated outcomes (the static, material, logical product of “done”), is now in the limelight of…

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Embodied Learning in CERME Opening Paul Drijvers

On the 11th CERME conference on February 6-10 2019 in Utrecht Paul Drijvers gave a plenary opening lecture ‘Embodied instrumentation: combining different views on using digital technology in mathematics education’. The lecture contained video recordings of several examples of embodied approaches to learning. Links to the videos: handwriting example, trigonometry example.    

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The Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition

Newen, A., De Bruin, L., & Gallagher, S. (Eds.). (2018). The Oxford handbook of 4E cognition. Oxford University Press. 4E cognition (embodied, embedded, enactive, and extended) is a relatively young and thriving field of interdisciplinary research. It assumes that cognition is shaped and structured by dynamic interactions between the brain, body, and both the physical and…

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CSCL 2019: First Call for Proposals

The international conference Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) will be held June 17-21 in Lyon. The theme is… A wide lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings. The deadline for papers, posters, and symposia is November 12th, 2018. Promoting productive collaborative interaction in varied contexts requires studying the interdependencies of the…

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Het rekenonderwijs kan beter. En embodied design kan daarbij helpen.

Spanje-Nederland, WK-voetbal 2014. Bijna rust. Nederland staat 1-0 achter. Daley Blind trapt een bal de diepte in, Robin van Persie loopt bij zijn verdediger weg. Van Persie blijft naar de bal gluren, neemt een snoekduik en kopt de bal met een boog over de Spaanse doelman. Wiskundige en onderwijswetenschapper Arthur Bakker van de Universiteit Utrecht kan zich niet heugen…

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Symposium: Embodied Design in Interaction

Following our successful symposium on Embodied Design in Education, you are invited to attend our symposium on Embodied Design in Interaction, October 30, 2017 (Booth zaal , Utrecht University Library, Heidelberglaan 3, Utrecht University, Utrecht) Organized by Arthur Bakker, Marieke van der Schaaf, Shakila Shayan, Rosa Alberto, & Paul Leseman (Utrecht University) This symposium is aiming to exchange the…

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